Chiropractic Care in Kelowna

Chiropractic Care in Kelowna BC

Our first goal is to provide excellent care coupled with compassion while our second goal is to equip our patients with the knowledge and the skill set needed to allow them to participate actively in the healing process.

We provide care tailored specifically to each patient. That care will often contain elements of:

  • manual hands-on chiropractic manipulation;
  • stretching;
  • electrotherapy, ultrasound, heat, ice;
  • laser therapy
  • therapeutic exercise;
  • diet, nutrition, lifestyle advice; and
  • vitamin and supplement use.

Some patients may require only one or two treatment sessions to get back to health while others may require more. We are each unique in our ability to heal and no two injuries are exactly the same. We believe the more active the role our patients take in their care, the faster they respond and ultimately, the fewer treatment sessions they usually require.

At Symtrio in Kelowna, we regard continued chiropractic care as an aid to maintaining optimal health but we do not believe in long-term treatment commitments, pre-paid service contracts, or forcing patients into unwanted care. What constitutes an ideal, ongoing treatment frequency is different for each of us. Some patients prefer to come in once every few weeks or months, once or twice per year, or only when they have hurt themselves or flared up an old injury. Where you fit into that spectrum is up to you.

A Member of the Healthcare Community

Chiropractic is a branch of medicine that has tremendous ability to heal certain select conditions and has its place alongside allopathic medicine as well as other alternative and complimentary therapies. Each branch has its strengths and frequently a patient will lean on more than one branch to seek the best opportunity for healing.

Research shows that chiropractic care is particularly good at treating conditions such as mechanical back pain, neck pain, extremity joint pain, headaches, motor vehicle whiplash injuries, repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, and postural strain injuries among others. Additionally, research has indicated that chiropractic care may be of benefit in treating a variety of other disorders such as infantile colic, premenstrual syndrome, and fibromyalgia.

That said, there are many conditions that chiropractic care is not well suited to treat. Diseases like cancer, or diabetes, or epilepsy, for example, are among many disease states that are better suited for care by other members of the healthcare community.

We recognize that there are times when chiropractic care needs to be coupled with medication use or surgery, thus dictating a collaborative approach to care alongside your primary care physician and/or surgeon. In cases where surgery may be indicated, chiropractic care can assist in the recovery and rehabilitation phase of the healing process.


9:00am - 4:30pm

10:00am - 5:30pm

9:00am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm



Symtrio Chiropractic Clinic
229 Valley Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 2G2
(250) 862-2002